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Department of Pedagogy

Department of Pedagogy

Phone #: +38 (044) 521-35-13
Room: 209, 2nd floor
E-mail: pedagogika@ukr.net

The Head of the Department: Alla Adamovna Marushkevich, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor.

Specialist of the first category of Department is: Andreichenko Irina Yuryivna

The Department of Pedagogy was founded in 1850 at the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Vladimir University according to Imperial Decree and official letter of the Ministry of Public Education (dated November 5, 1850). Until 1991, the Department of Pedagogy was known by the names: Department of Pedagogy, Department of Higher and Secondary School Pedagogy. Since 1991 Department of Pedagogy joined the Faculty of Sociology and Psychology. In 2003, the Department of Pedagogy was separated into an independent department at the Faculty of Sociology and Psychology, since April 2007 at the Faculty of Psychology.

The main directions of educational activities of the department: the department trains applicants at the second (master) level of higher education in:

  • the educational and professional program “Management of a higher education institution” in the field of knowledge 07
  • “Management and Administration” specialty 073 “Management” correspondence courses (1 year and 4 months of study);
  • the educational and scientific program “Pedagogy of Higher Education” in the field of knowledge 01 “Education / Pedagogy” specialty 011 “Educational, Pedagogical Sciences” full-time education (study term 1 year and 9 months);
  • educational and professional program “Pedagogy of Higher Education” in the field of knowledge 01 “Education / Pedagogy” specialty 011 “Educational, Pedagogical Sciences” correspondence courses (1 year and 4 months of study).

At the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education in: educational and scientific training programs for doctors of philosophy in the field of knowledge 01 “Education / Pedagogy” specialty 011 “Educational, pedagogical sciences”:

  1. “Education / Pedagogy” full-time education (duration of study is 4 years);

Provides teaching courses for applicants whose preparation is carried out at different faculties / institutes of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv:

  • for applicants for first (bachelor) level of higher education – “Fundamentals of Pedagogy”, “Fundamentals of Psychology and Pedagogy”, “Pedagogy”, “General Pedagogy”, “History of Pedagogy”, “Pedagogical Mastery”, “Methods of Teaching Pedagogical Disciplines”, “Comparative Pedagogy”, “Basics of Special Pedagogy”, “Secondary School Pedagogy”;
  • for candidates of the second (master) level of higher education – “Pedagogy of Higher Education”, “Pedagogy and Psychology of Higher Education”, “Higher Education Pedagogy and Teacher’s Pedagogical Skills”, “Methods of teaching in higher education”, “Theory and methods of teaching”, “Fundamentals of modern didactics”, “Theory of upbringing in higher education”;
  • for candidates of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education – “Actual problems of didactics and theory of upbringing in higher education”, “Professional and pedagogical competence of HEI teacher”, “Philosophy of science and innovation (Module “Designing research using information technology”)”, Organization of activities of structural units of higher education institutions”, “Professional and pedagogical ethics of the teacher”.

Academic disciplines, the department provides: “Pedagogy”, “Fundamentals of Pedagogy”, “General Pedagogy”, “Pedagogy of Higher Education”, “Fundamentals of Pedagogy and Psychology”, “Secondary School Pedagogy”, “Methods of teaching pedagogical disciplines”, “Basics of Special Pedagogy”, “Basics of Modern Didactics”, “History of Pedagogy”, “Pedagogy of Dialog”, “Comparative Pedagogy”, “Standards of the European educational space”, “Management of a higher education institution”, “Pedagogy and methods of teaching mathematics and statistics”, “Higher Education Pedagogy (teaching of the modules “Methods of teaching economic disciplines”, “Higher Education Pedagogy”), “Higher Education Pedagogy and teacher’s pedagogical skills”, “Pedagogical mastery”, “Management of educational projects”, “Professional ethics of an educational institution manager”, “Pedagogy and psychology of higher education”, “Teaching methods in higher education”, “History of educational management”, “Theory of upbringing in higher education”, “World higher education systems”, “Actual problems of didactics and theory of education in higher education”, “Professional and pedagogical competence of HEI teacher”. “Methodology and organization of research with the basics of intellectual property”, “Training “Modern educational technologies in higher education””, “Technology of interactive learning in higher education”, “Modeling and content of the activity of the specialist with higher education”, “Pedagogical skills of higher education teacher” and methods of organizing educational work in higher education”, “Pedagogical conflictology”, “General and age-appropriate pedagogy”, ”History of university education”, “Management of teaching staff”, “Complex discipline. System approach in higher education (Management of higher education institution and quality assurance of higher education)”, “PR in the field of education”, management of pedagogical (assistant) practice and research practice. Provide teaching of pedagogical disciplines in English – “Pedagogy of higher school and pedagogical skills teacher”.

Specializations provided by the Department: “Teacher of humanitarian disciplines” in specialty 011 – “Educational, pedagogical sciences” in the educational program “Pedagogy of higher education” full-time and part-time education forms.

Base of practices: scientific and methodological center of the educational process, faculties / institutes, educational and scientific centers of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Departments of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.

Since 2015, the Department of Pedagogy publishes twice a year the journal “The herald of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Series: Pedagogy” (Editor-in-Chief – Professor A. A. Marushkevich), which is a professional publication and publishes scientific articles of scientific and pedagogical workers, researchers, PhD students working on the problems of development of modern education and scientific-pedagogical thought in theoretical, historical and practical aspects.

Since 2017, the journal “The herald of Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv. Series: Pedagogy” began to be indexed by the international scientific information database Index Coperrnicus.

Department of Pedagogy

Факультет Психології КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка has 10 registered members
Ім'я та інформація
Марушкевич Алла Адамівна
Full name Аllа A. Маrushkevych
Position Head of the Department of Pedagogy, Professor at the Department of Pedagogy
Scientific degree and academic rank Doctor of Science (Pedagogics), Professor
Phone # +38 (044) 521-35-13
Room 209, 2-nd floor
Email ...
Жиленко Микола Володимирович
Full name Mykola V. Zhilenko

Phone # +38 (044) 521-35-13
Room 209, 2nd floor
Email ...
Плахотнік Ольга Василівна
Full name Olga V. Plakhotnik
Phone # +38 (044) 521-35-13
Room 209, 2nd floor
Email ...
Спіцин Євгеній Сергійович
Full name Yevheniy S. Spitsyn
Phone # +38 (044) 521-35-13
Room 209, 2nd floor
Email ...
Андрійченко Ірина Юріївна
Full name Iryna Y. Andriychenko
Position Specialist of the Department of Pedagogy
Phone # +38 (044) 521-35-13
Room 209, 2nd floor
Email ...
Кузьменко Надія Михайлівна
Full name Nadiya M. Kuzmenko

Phone # +38 (044) 521-35-13
Room 209, 2nd floor
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Левицька Людмила Анатоліївна
Full name Lyudmyla A. Levitska

Phone # +38 (044) 521-35-13
Room 209, 2nd floor
Email ...
Головко Наталія Іванівна
Full name Natalia I. Holovko
Phone # +38 (044) 521-35-13
Room 209, 2nd floor
Email ...
Жихорська Оксана Володимирівна

Email ...
Деркач Олександр Анатолійович
Position Deputy Dean for Educational Activities, Assistant Professor at the Department of Pedagogy

Phone # +38 (044) 521-35-13
Email ...