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Department of Social Psychology

Phone #: +38 (044) 526-16-48
Room: 201, 2nd floor
E-mail: socpsy@ukr.net

Head of Department: Kovalenko Alla Borysivna, Professor, Doctor of Psychological sciences, specialist in the field of psychology, creative thinking, psychology of understanding, psychology of perception and understanding of people by each other.

Laboratory assistant: Chernykh Olena Gennadiivna

Department of Social Psychology founded in 1971 as a department of social-pedagogical psychology. Objective preconditions for the establishment of the department were the revival in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics of social psychology as an independent science, the need for training specialists in this field for employees in educational institutions, laboratories, research institutes, industry, enterprises. The founder and the first head of the department was a Candidate of Psychological Sciences, Associate Professor L.Ya. Marisova (1971-89). In 1995, the Department of Socio-Pedagogical Psychology was renamed the Department of Social Psychology. During 2008 and 2009 the department changed the name - initially as a department of social psychology and development psychology, and in 2009 its division into the Department of Social Psychology and the Department of Developmental Psychology was carried out. From this period began a new turn of development of the Department of Social Psychology.

Main directions of scientific activity of the department: The Department of Social Psychology takes part in the professional preparation of students for the educational and qualification level "Bachelor of Psychology" and is responsible for training in two specialties in educational and professional master's programs: "Social Psychology", "Organizational Psychology and Psychology of Labor" (053 "Psychology"). The department also launched the educational-scientific master's program "Political psychology" in 2018.

The department operates postgraduate specialty 19.00.05 — social psychology; psychology of social work. Totally 8 post-graduate students study at the department. Scientific work of postgraduate students and doctoral students is directed by professors, experienced associate professors. Postgraduate students who have successfully graduated from postgraduate studies have the opportunity to defend their dissertation in a specialized academic council functioning at the faculty.

The department has a strong professorial and teaching staff. It employs 4 doctors of sciences, 11 candidates of sciences, 4 professors, 9 associate professors, 2 assistants.

Scientific activity of the department concentrates on the problems of interconnection and the interaction of personality and society: the questions connected with the psychology of communication, psychology of small and large groups, psychology of the masses are studied and psychology of leadership, organizational psychology and psychology of work, methods of socio-psychological influence. 

Educational activity of the department:

The department provides teaching socio-psychological, political-psychological and organizational-psychological disciplines for both future psychologists and students of other fields of training and specialties.

Lecturers of the Department provide teaching of a wide range of psychological disciplines within the limits of preparation for specialization: the block "social psychology" (psychological technologies image-making, advertising and public relations, psychological technologies of marketing researches, psychological technologies of modeling and monitoring of electoral behavior, technologies of social and psychological training); block "organizational psychology and psychology of labor" (psychological technologies of strategic management, psychological technologies of personnel management, psychological technologies of business counseling, psychological technologies of business training). In the training program political psychologists, students study the individual psychological aspects of a person in politics (political consciousness, political behavior, political leadership, etc.); psychology of political power and political elites; political conflicts, wars and their management; political communication, etc.

Educational disciplines of specialization are applied, discipline programs involve a large number of workshops, group and creative tasks, project work, the obligatory element of training is the work with cases.

The department maintains scientific links with other centers of social psychology in Ukraine and in the world: Institute of Psychology named after G. S. Kostiuk National Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Social and Political Psychology of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Rivne State Pedagogical University, Southern Ukrainian National Pedagogical University named after K. D. Ushinsky, Zhytomyr State University named after Ivan Franko, Drogobych State Pedagogical University named after Ivan Franko, Nizhyn State University named after. Mykoly Gogola, Uman State Pedagogical University named after Pavla Tychyny and others.

International organizations: Yanka Kupala Grodno State University, University of Masaryk (Brno, Czech Republic), Center for Research in Higher Education (Prague, Czech Republic), University of Applied Sciences Novia (m. Vaasa, Finland) University of Applied Sciences of Western Macedonia (Kastoria and Kozani, Greece), Klaipėda University (Klaipėda, Lithuania), University of Oregon, (Oregon, USA), State University of Moldova (Chisinau, Moldova) Alexandru Ioan Cuza University  ( Iasi, Romania).

Added information in English:

Center of Higher Education Studies (Prague, Czech Republic), Novia University of Applied Sciences (Vaasa, Finland), Western Macedonia University of Applied Sciences (Kastoria-Kozani, Greece), Klaipėda University (Klaipėda, Lithuania), University of Oregon, (Oregon, USA), Moldova State University (Chişinău, Moldova), The Alexandru Ioan Cuza University (Iași, Romania), Masaryk University (Brno, Czech Republic).

After graduation, students will have the opportunity to work:

  • In the advertising and media industry: marketing agencies, advertising and public relations services, agencies for the implementation of social projects, public and political organizations.
  • In the field of human resources management: personnel and recruiting agencies, human resources services companies, consulting agencies and services, organizations specializing in business training
  • In organizations and institutions of the political, public, educational and information sectors (in positions of: researcher, advisor, manager, expert, assistant to a deputy, political technologist, image-maker in the field of politics, specialist in political advertising and public relations -technologies, teacher of political-psychological disciplines, etc.).

Department of Social Psychology

Факультет Психології КНУ імені Тараса Шевченка has 12 registered members
Коваленко Алла Борисівна
Full name Alla B. Kovalenko

Phone # +38 (044) 526-16-48
Room 201, 2nd floor
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Корольов Дмитро Костянтинович
Full name Dmytro K. Korolov

Phone # +38 (044) 526-16-48
Room 201, 2nd floor
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Клименко Ірина Вадимівна
Full name Irina V. Klimenko

Phone # +38 (044) 526-16-48
Room 201, 2nd floor
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Грищук Елісо Юріївна
Full name Eliso Y. Hryshchuk

Phone # +38 (044) 526-16-48
Room 201, 2nd floor
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Соснюк Олег Петрович
Full name Oleh P. Sosniuk
Phone # +38 (044) 522-16-48
Room 201, 2nd floor
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Траверсе Тетяна Михайлівна



Phone # +38 (044) 526-16-48
Room 201, 2nd floor
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Рогаль Ніна Іванівна
Full name Nina I. Rohal

Phone # +38 (044) 526-16-48
Room 201, 2nd floor
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Романова Юлія Владиславівна
Full name Yuliya V. Romanova
Phone # +38 (050)3778255
Room 201, 2nd floor
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Паньковець Віталій Леонідович
Full name Vitaliy L. Pankovets

Phone # +38 (044) 526-16-48
Room 201, 2nd floor
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Яткевич Тетяна Євгеніївна

Phone # +38 (044) 526-16-48
Павлюк Оксана Дмитрівна
Phone # +3 066 2826310
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